
Friday, March 29, 2024

Dungeon Saga Skeletons

Some time ago I got a great deal getting Dungeon Saga and most adverntures. It is the original one. It was a great deal and I had a lot of fun playing this game and I hope to play it soon again. I try to paint them up before really playing the game. I still have to play the extra adventures and those are not painted yet. For today I am going to show you some skeletons from the basic game

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Old Goblin Pictures

I have found some old Pictures of Goblins. They are from even before I started this blog and found them by accident getting buried in an old Forum. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Reviving this Blog

I stopped playing warhammer for years now and the latest version of Games Workshops Warhammer has again a ton of rules I do not like to dive into anymore. But still have a lot of the Games Workshop models.

Instead I play Kings of War and Dungeon Saga. I like Mantics Kings of war, because there are less rules and they keep tweaking the game to make it fun and balanced. 
You will see new painted model content soon, but most of  those will be the old Games Workshop models I want to give a new life. They will be multibased. (Also another thing I like, no more loose models dropping of the movement trays.)

Goblin Wolf Rider Boss